Like all of us, I have many roles: believer, wife, mama, photographer, writer, traveler, and baker. If I had it my way, it would always be 70 degrees and sunny, and you’d find me outside in Birkenstocks and a baseball cap. I always need a trip on the calendar to look forward to. Almost always, that trip is planned around exploring beautiful places and experiencing amazing food. Half my family lives in Sweden and Finland, so naturally I’m obsessed with all things Nordic: Scandinavian homes, moss-covered forests, saunas, salty waters, cardamom buns, and wild blueberry patches.

During the week you’ll find me working for a local nonprofit called Every Home or at home with my girls. This photography business that I love is something I do in my extra time, that’s why my schedule fills up quickly and you’ll mostly find me shooting on the weekends. I’m not much into hustle culture, but I feel like I’ve struck a good balance and love that I get to do it all!

Opening my eyes to new places and cultures keeps me inspired and growing.

My favorite place on earth – my grandparent’s home on the baltic sea. There is truly nothing more dreamy than a Scandinavian summer and no place more relaxing or nostalgic.

My husband and I spent several months here shortly after we were married and there truly are few places like it with its vast array of landscapes and countless Lord of the Rings explorations.

Photographing the Himba tribe in Namibia is maybe the moment where I realized I was doing exactly what I had always dreamed of. I felt like a National Geographic photographer!

We flew out on a tiny Mission Aviation Fellowship plane to an extremely remote area and I had the privilege of photographing a camel caravan. I mean talk about once in a lifetime!

My Approach

Back in college, when I studied photography and journalism, we started our photo classes in the dark room developing our own film and prints. We started at the very basics of exposure and composition. I think beginning my journey with photography this way helped me realize that photos are about being timeless. I want your photos to be current and high-quality, but not over edited and unrealistic. When you look back at your family albums, each image wasn’t perfect. It was special because of the moment that was captured. There was no crazy filter or airbrushed skin. It was simple, real, and authentic.